Bird Walk at Lake Marma
We got together before our February committee meeting for a bird walk at Lake Marma with Ross Barlow!
2025 Victorian Landcare Grants
We’ve started planning for the 2025 Victorian Landcare Grant applications. Contact us to learn how you can get involved in an environmental project.
Temporary Landcare Facilitator Position
Our Landcare Facilitator Alicia will be taking leave in 2025. Wimmera CMA, who host the position, are hiring a temporary replacement.
Partnerships Against Pests: The next chapter
We’ve been successful in a collaborative grant application with Project Platypus as lead organisation. The project builds on previous Partnerships against Pests work to deliver $50,000 in training opportunities for volunteers across the Wimmera.
Landcare Grant Writing with Longerenong College
Alicia visited Longerenong College to talk to the students about the Victorian Landcare Grants process, and then the group travelled to Rupanyup Reservoir to check out a previous Landcare project.
A Wander at Lah Rec Reserve
After our November committee meeting, we joined some local residents for a stroll around the reserve, and learned about iNaturalist.
Wrapping up our 2023 Victorian Landcare Grant Reports
We recently finished reporting on the 2023 Victorian Landcare Grants. Total funding of around $15.200 enabled us to leverage over $71,000 worth of in-kind contributions! Read more about what we achieved.
Partnerships Against Pests Demonstration Day
We held a pest control demo day with Project Platypus as part of our collaborative Partnerships Against Pests project. Participants learned about feral cats, foxes and rabbit control, and we had demonstrations of canid pest ejectors, rabbit warren fumigation and ripping, and boxthorn pulling.
Planting trees for our community: a student perspective
Murtoa College student Alyvia writes an article on her class’s involvement in tree planting at Rupanyup Reservoir in winter/spring 2024.
Partnerships Against Pests: Minyip Weed Prioritisation Session
In this activity, we developed a priority list of weeds for the area informed by the community, through our Partnerships Against Pests project with Project Platypus. Read on to learn more about gazania, horehound, bridal creeper, amsinckia and boxthorn!
Buloke Woodland Wander
This spring we enjoyed a guided walk through a buloke woodland in Minyip with local nature lover Rae Talbot.
2024 Yarrilinks AGM
The 2024 Yarrilinks AGM was held at the Wheatlands Ag Museum in Warracknabeal and included a tour of the museum afterwards.
Guarding Gariwerd - a collaborative Partnerships against Pests Project
This collaborative project, led by Project Platypus and involving Horsham District Landcare Network and Yarrilinks, aims to build capacity and networks in invasive species management.
Supporting Community Attendance at the Wimmera Biodiversity Seminar
Wimmera Landcare helped support community attendance at the Wimmera Biodiversity Seminar this year through a collaborative project funded through AgVic's Partnerships against Pests program.
Celebrating the Warracknabeal Community Garden
The Warracknabeal Community Garden recently celebrated its 10th Birthday. Yarrilinks Committee member and Yarriambiack Shire Councillor Corinne Heintze turned out in style to the celebration, which was also attended by Gardening Australia legend and Community Gardens Australia ambassador Costa Georgiadis.
Charity registration and ATO reporting changes for Not-for-profits
Yarrilinks has recently registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission. This has come about due to changes in ATO reporting requirements for not-for-profits.
2024 Victorian Landcare Awards
In July Alicia travelled to Melbourne for the Victorian Landcare Awards with Yarrilinks nominees Jonathan Starks and Adrian Tyler. Jonathan received a commendation in his category.
More planting with Murtoa College!
We also had some year 9 students from Murtoa college help out at the Rupanyup Reservoir, with tree planting and removing old guards for re-use.
The 2024 Victorian Landcare Grants
Yarrilinks Landcare Network groups received 87% of the funding they applied for in the 2024 Victorian Landcare Grants!
Yarrilinks Plantout @ Boolite!
28 Volunteers helped us revegetate 3 ha at Boolite to link covenanted remnant woodland with native vegetation along the Dunmunkle Creek.