Partnerships Against Pests: The next chapter

We are thrilled to announce that we have been successful in a recent collaborative grant application with Project Platypus and the three other Wimmera Landcare networks/regions.

We previously received funding under Agriculture Victoria’s Partnerships Against Pests Grants Round 2 to deliver a range of events with Project Platypus and Horsham District Landcare Network. This next success in round 3 will allow us to expand on that work by offering training opportunities to local Landcare Champions, and also now brings in West Wimmera and Hindmarsh area landcare to make this a catchment-wide project!

The second year of this project will continue to build on the partnerships established in year 1. The group will highlight education through subsidised chemical user training opportunities, vehicle hygiene workshops and by nominating local champions to attend a VRAN rabbit bootcamp. By fostering a network of trained and certified leaders, the group aims to lead local efforts, advocate for best-practice biosecurity management, and contribute to long-term pest management strategies across the Gariwerd and Wimmera regions.

We’re looking forward to working with our Landcare neighbours in this exciting landscape scale project.

Read all about the previous work we’ve been doing in this program here:


Temporary Landcare Facilitator Position


Landcare Grant Writing with Longerenong College