2025 Victorian Landcare Grants

The 2025 Landcare grants are expected to open in the first quarter of 2025, and Yarrilinks is busy planning for our applications. Anyone with an idea for on-ground environmental work, or capacity building/educational activities for volunteers, is encouraged to get in touch as soon as possible to kick start the planning process.

Previous Projects

To get an idea of some of the recent projects we’ve had funded through the Victorian Landcare Grants, Check out these articles:


While we won’t know any exact dates until they are announced by the minister, we are currently using this timeline for planning purposes:

  • Late Feb - Early April 2025: Grant applications likely to open around this time. Applications are normally open for roughly 6 weeks

  • August - October 2025: Grant application outcomes usually announced around this time. This means the funding will not be received in time to fund revegetation in 2025 (but it is perfect timing to order trees for 2026!)

  • Late 2025-October 2026: Project delivery

  • October 2026: final reports due

This means that if you want to plant trees in 2026, now is the time to talk to us!


It’s best to speak with us to understand the requirements for your particular project. Reviewing last year’s guidelines is also a great way to get started. Here are some other helpful hints.

  • You will need to provide a map showing exactly where your project will take place. Our facilitator can help with this

  • Land owner permission is essential. If it’s on your own private property this is straightforward. For public land, the approvals process requires detail and takes time, so it is essential to speak with us early so we can assist with the application.

  • Shooting, poisoning, trapping, explosive or fumigation methods for pest animal control will not be funded. Rabbit warren ripping is eligible, and fumigation may be considered on public land if a number of conditions are met.

  • Care must be taken not to impact on Aboriginal Cultural Heritage.

  • There are also specifications around fencing, revegetation, weed control etc. Check the guidelines and speak to us to clarify.

Project enquiry form

You can fill out this quick form below to get the ball rolling on your project planning. Alternatively, you can send us an email.


Bird Walk at Lake Marma


Temporary Landcare Facilitator Position