Partners and Supporters

Yarrilinks enjoys support from a number of partner organisations, including:

See below for more information.

The Wimmera Catchment Management Authority

The Wimmera CMA provides support to Landcare in the region through project support, administration of the Victorian Landcare Grants, and via the positions of the Regional Landcare Coordinator and the Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator.

  • The Wimmera Partnerships Group is an initiative by the Wimmera CMA to provide a forum for Natural Resource Management organisations in the region.

    Members include the Landcare networks and major farming systems groups of the Wimmera, and Barengi Gadjin Land Council.

  • There are 10 Regional Landcare Coordinators (RLCs) funded by the Victorian Government who are based at either a Catchment Management Authority (CMA) or Melbourne Water (i.e. in Port Phillip and Western Port region).

    The RLCs develop and implement regional Landcare support plans, undertake capacity building with groups and networks and facilitate access to grants and other funding.

  • The Australian Government has invested $40.7 million in a national network of Sustainable Agriculture Facilitators under the Climate-Smart Agriculture Program, funded through the Natural Heritage Trust (NHT).

    The facilitators will connect farmers, landholders, community groups and agriculture industries to relevant information and programs on climate-smart, sustainable agriculture practices; facilitate partnerships and connections; and support the delivery of sustainable agriculture projects in their region. This investment builds on the valuable work of the Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator network funded through the previous phase of the NHT.

Landcare Victoria Inc.

Landcare Victoria Inc. is the peak body for Landcare in the Region. It provides insurance coverage, grant auspice and project development support for member groups, as well as advocacy and training support for the Landcare community.

  • LVI has recently led the development of a strategic plan for Landcare in Victoria.

    Read the plan here.

The Victorian Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) is the main funding source for Landcare in Victoria via the Victorian Landcare Program.

  • The Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program funds 80 Landcare Facilitators (Including Yarrilinks’!) and 10 Regional Landcare Coordinators across the state.

  • The Victorian Landcare Grants are offered annually for Landcare and other community natural resource management groups to undertake projects benefitting our natural environment.

    The Grants are funded by DEECA and administered in each region by the relevant Catchment Management Authority.