Partnerships Against Pests Demonstration Day
This activity is part of our collaborative Partnerships Against Pests project with neighboring Landcare Network Project Platypus.
We met in Minyip for presentations from Lachlan and Elia from Project Platypus, and Gillian Basnett from the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions.
Elia presented on the weeds prioritisation process and the priority weeds identified in our earlier Minyip Weed Prioritisation Session.
Lachlan presented on rabbits and shared a great video series from Agriculture Victoria on integrated rabbit control.
Rabbit control in Victoria
Monitoring pest animals
Rabbit baiting
Warren ripping
Warren fumigation
Other control options
Gillian specialises in fox and feral cat control and shared lots of great information.
After the presentations we enjoyed a quick lunch and then headed out to a field site to see some of the tactics discussed in action. At the field site we pointed out a few weed species common in the area. Horehound and boxthorn were identified as priority weeds of the region at the Minyip weed prioritisation workshop.
CPE demo from AgVic
Canid Pest Ejectors
We started off with a demonstration of Canid Pest Ejectors (CPE), a stationary device that delivers liquid 1080 when a fox bites or pulls on the bait head. They are considered safe for most non-target species because a certain pull force is required to activate them. Gillian brought some demonstration versions which contain no toxin, so we could see how they work.
Rabbit warren ripping/fumigation, and baiting
Next, we moved on to rabbits, with a demonstration of warren fumigation by Lachlan and a look at a rabbit baiting trailer. Warren fumigation only works on rabbits that are in the warren, so using a furry friend to help flush them in can help a lot. Next, use a smoker to locate all openings of the warren. Some will be well hidden and used only for emergency escape scenarios. Block up all entrances with balled up newspaper, and dig over with soil to cover well so that the rabbits can’t dig out. The final step is to apply the fumigant, which is activated by moisture. Ensure proper PPE is worn at all times when handling fumigant, and work according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Rabbit baiting trailers can be towed behind a normal vehicle, and filled with poisoned oat or carrot baits. It’s important to take a strategic approach to baiting, so watch the relevant AgVic video above for pointers. This rabbit baiting trailer belongs to Wallup Ag Group. You can request to borrow it by contacting us.
Warren ripping was next! Although this is generally best done in late summer when the soil is dry and friable, a relatively dry spring provided us with decent conditions.
It’s absolutely essential to do a Dial Before You Dig investigation before you undertaken any soil disturbance. Failure to do so could result in an extremely dangerous or costly incident if underground cables are disturbed. If you need help with an application for a landcare purpose such as warren ripping, Yarrilinks can help you through the online process. We can also help you determine if your site is in an area of cultural sensitivity. Contact us for help.
Boxthorn removal
Our last demonstration was boxthorn removal. Small plants are easy to control with herbicide, and you can even pull very small plants by hand, but much larger plants are most easily removed by heavy machinery. We demonstrated the use of a boxthorn puller attached to a telehandler. It allows the boxthorn bush to be grabbed at the base and ripped from the ground. This often works best when the ground is softer after rainfall.
Because boxthorn often grows underneath other trees, where its seed has been deposited by birds, its important to be careful. Make sure you maintain awareness of the branches of the larger tree as you move around with the telehandler, both for your own safety and that of your equipment, but also to prevent damaging the tree.
Funding for pest control
It’s worth noting that the Victorian Landcare Grants, which fund a lot of the work that Landcare does, have very strict rules about what types of pest control will be funded. They will not provide funding for shooting, poisoning, trapping, or explosive methods for pest animal control. This includes engaging a contractor to undertake these activities. Warren ripping is eligible provided OHS, cultural heritage and biodiversity impacts are considered. Warren fumigation may be funded if it occurs on public land, at a site where ripping is unable to be conducted, with written permission of the land manager and works carried out by a contractor holding a valid Commercial Operator License (COL) and Agricultural Chemical Users Permit (ACUP).
This marks our last event for 2024 in the Partnerships Against Pests project, but we will be back with more in 2025! This project is funded by the Victorian Government under the Partnerships Against Pests grant program.