Yarrilinks Landcare Network Events
Check out our upcoming events, or scroll down to see past events! RSVP is required for most events, so please click on “View event” to see RSVP instructions.

Partnerships against Pests - Spring demo day!
Join us to learn about practical pest control for our region. Featuring demonstrations of warren ripping and baiting for rabbits, and discussion of some of our top priority weeds. It's also a great opportunity to learn about this collaborate project and future learning opportunities in the pipeline.

Buloke Woodland Wander and Weed Priorities Session
Join us for a buloke woodland wander guided by Rae Talbot, followed by a consulation session to capture the weed management priorities of the Minyip District.

Yarrilinks AGM
Join us at the 2024 Yarrilinks AGM! We’ll reflect on the last year, share a meal, and discuss what the future has in store for our group!

Yarrilinks Plantout @ Boolite!
Minyip Landcare Group will host the 2024 Yarrilinks plantout at Boolite this year. Places are limited, so submit an EOI and save the date today!

Meeting with Mushrooms: Fungal Ecology and Identification Workshop with Alison Pouliot
Yarrilinks is thrilled to present a special workshop on the ecology of fungi with Alison Pouliot!
Wallup Ag Group Breakfast Meeting
Wallup Ag Group’s next meeting will feature updates ahead of the cropping season and include a provided breakfast. New members welcome.

National Eucalypt Day: Our very own Eucalyptus yarriambiack
Did you know we have or very own Eucalyptus species that’s found nowhere else? The Yarriambiack Mallee-Box is known from only a handful of specimens just north of Brim. Join us on National Eucalypt Day to learn about this very special species and share a picnic lunch.

Clean Up Australia Day: Yarrilinks Strategic Plan Launch and Creek Cleanup
We’re launching our new strategic plan on Clean Up Australia Day and we want you to join us! We’ll start with a cleanup along the creek then enjoy lunch at the Creekside Hotel while learning about the plan, and finish with a quiz game on Wimmera history and ecology.
Minyip Landcare Group AGM
Minyip Landcare Group’s 2024 AGM will feature a walk through a native farm forestry plantation, barbecue dinner, and update on recent and upcoming activities.

Aussie Bird Count 2023
Join Yarrilinks to take part in the 10th Annual Aussie Bird Count!