Minyip Landcare Group
Minyip Landcare Group members are primarily farmers with interests in sustainable farming, complementary revegetation and pest control. The group organises bus trips to see farming practices in other areas.
An important natural asset in the region is a population of critically endangered Wimmera riceflower (Pimelea spinescens ssp. pubiflora) at the Minyip Wetlands. The site is one of a handful of known populations and has also had seedlings transplanted for conservation.
In future the group plans to continue bus trips and has planting projects planned for the coming years.
Learn more about Minyip Landcare Group’s activities and projects:

We recently finished reporting on the 2023 Victorian Landcare Grants. Total funding of around $15.200 enabled us to leverage over $71,000 worth of in-kind contributions! Read more about what we achieved.
We held a pest control demo day with Project Platypus as part of our collaborative Partnerships Against Pests project. Participants learned about feral cats, foxes and rabbit control, and we had demonstrations of canid pest ejectors, rabbit warren fumigation and ripping, and boxthorn pulling.
In this activity, we developed a priority list of weeds for the area informed by the community, through our Partnerships Against Pests project with Project Platypus. Read on to learn more about gazania, horehound, bridal creeper, amsinckia and boxthorn!
This spring we enjoyed a guided walk through a buloke woodland in Minyip with local nature lover Rae Talbot.
Yarrilinks Landcare Network groups received 87% of the funding they applied for in the 2024 Victorian Landcare Grants!
28 Volunteers helped us revegetate 3 ha at Boolite to link covenanted remnant woodland with native vegetation along the Dunmunkle Creek.
They say the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago! Tepper’s node was the first ever Yarrilinks Planting in 1999. 25 years later it’s providing habitat and a source of pride for landholder David Tepper.
The Minyip Landcare Group got together for a farm forestry tour, Barbecue dinner and meeting recently.
Yarrilinks had some student helpers all the way from South Australia to do some weeding work at Minyip Wetlands and a Trust for Nature site near Murtoa!
We took some drone footage at a 2024 plantout site near Boolite with help from the Wimmera CMA.
Landcare Facilitator Alicia handed out aroud 400 native plants to residents in southern Yarriambiack Shire