Boolite Plantout Site - Drone footage
This week Alicia visited a plantout site planned for next year to take some drone footage. The project will be undertaken by Minyip Landcare Group, with support from Yarrilinks, on the property of a local farmer.
Yarrilinks often works under the concept of biolinks, where fragmented but ecologically significant sites are reconnected through revegetation, providing habitat and movement corridors for native flora and fauna. This site ticks the box, linking a Trust for Nature covenanted remnant woodland with native vegetation along the Dunmunkle Creek.
The planting is planned for winter 2024, and in the meantime our host landholder will be busy undertaking site preparation and propagating locally collected native seed for planting in the project.
The plantout will link a patch of remnant native woodland (covered by a conservation covenant) with native vegetation along the Dunmunkle Creek.
The site is about 2 hectares in total and will be direct seeded and planted with a mix of tubestock. We will be planting locally native tree species including bulokes, cypress pine, and eucalypts such as grey box, yellow box and yellow gum. These will be interspersed with shrubs such as wattles and a range of other understory species. The perennial pasture we are planting into is a native pasture so will provide a good base with many of the native grass species already present
A huge thanks to Cobba from the Wimmera CMA for flying the drone to get some footage of the plantout site! Cobba is the resident drone pilot at the Wimmera CMA and puts these skills to use surveying project sites before and after projects such as planting, erosion control and restoration.
Drone pilot Cobba Harrison (Wimmera CMA)