Rupanyup Landcare Group
Rupanyup Landcare Group is made up of both farmers and town residents. The group has a history of planting projects spanning over 20 years and the town is now flanked in maturing plantations that have seen bird life return to the area. A highlight is Jack’s Track, a popular walking track winding around the town and featuring an enhanced wetland that is home to several species of frog.
Although the group remained active through Covid, the major challenge faced by the group is declining membership and lack of involvement. Most activity and on-ground work is spearheaded by a small number of individuals and there is a perception that the broadacre cropping focused area limits interest in Landcare.
Most recently the group has planted the old reservoir to the northeast of town with trees and shrubs with the support of the Wimmera CMA. In future the group hopes to investigate the possibility of revegetation on the town common or a water allocation for the town.