Wimmera Partnerships Meeting goes bush

The Wimmera Partnerships meetings are organised by the Wimmera CMA roughly every two months and are an opportunity for Landcare Facilitators and other Agriculture and NRM workers to get together to discuss local issues. The meetings are regularly attended by representatives from DEECA, Agriculture Victoria, Barengi Gadjin Land Council, Birchip Cropping Group, Landcare Victoria Inc and more.

Because spring is in the air, we decided to incorporate a field walk in our September meeting. The event was hosted at Project Platypus, the Landcare Network representing the upper Wimmera catchment area and based in Stawell. After the meeting we went on a short walk on the nearby Three Jacks Track near Deep Lead to check out some spring wildflowers.

We shared updates from around the Landcare Networks, heard about some upcoming initiatives from Agriculture Victoria (including some webinars on seasonal variability), and Landcare Victoria’s “New Futures for Victorian Landcare” initiative.


Boolite Plantout Site - Drone footage


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