The Victorian Landcare Forum
The 2024 Victorian Landcare Forum was held in Bendigo in May and gathered Landcare professionals and volunteers from across the state.
Cam Nicholson advises Landcare Facilitators on how they can support their members to be Carbon Ready.
Day 1 was for Landcare professionals such as facilitators, and included a session on mental health with The Unbreakable Farmer, and a presentation from Cam Nicholson on getting Carbon Ready. Cam is a carbon farming expert with decades of experience in extension and applying these concepts on his own farm on the Bellarine Peninsula. Cam used to be a Landcare facilitator for the Woady Yaloak Catchment Group, so he was able to offer unique advice and insights for Landcare facilitators to support their members in becoming carbon ready.
Day 2 was open to all and featured presentations from the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal, DJAARA, and a panel session on water in the landscape. We also had a surprise appearance from the Victorian Minister for the Environment, Steve Dimopoulos, who announced a further 9 month extension to the Landcare Facilitator Funding. This means positions like Alicia’s are now funded to March 2026.
Alicia and Fred enjoyed the forum.
Yarrilinks was represented at the forum by Alicia and new volunteer Fred Ackland, who said it was one of the best conferences he’s attended. Yarrilinks was able to support Fred’s attendance thanks to a Victorian Landcare Grant.
We also formed part of the Wimmera contingent at the conference, consisting of representatives from Yarrilinks (YLN), Horsham District Landcare Network (HDLN), West Wimmera Landcare (WWL), Project Platypus Upper Wimmera Landcare Network (PP), and the Wimmera CMA.
Mick (PP), Annie, (HDLN), Michael (PP), Leanne (PP), Alicia (YLN), Huib (PP), Fred (YLN), Lachie (PP), Tony (WCMA/Vic Catchments), and Bindy (WWL)
The final day featured a field trips, where Alicia enjoyed learning about partnerships between Traditional Owners and Landcare. The trip featured several Djaara projects, including cultiral burning, women’s digging stick projects, and ecological thinning.