Introducing our new Landcare Facilitator!
Yarrilinks Landcare is pleased to share that they have recently appointed a new Landcare Facilitator!
Alicia comes from another Facilitator position at Lismore Land Protection Group in Corangamite. Although she is new to the Wimmera, she brings experience navigating the unique Landcare space and facilitating projects in natural resource management and agriculture.
She grew up on the Canadian Prairies and completed a degree in plant ecology from the University of Saskatchewan before moving to Australia and doing her PhD in weed science at the University of Adelaide. In her spare time, she enjoys bushwalking with her husband and caring for far too many houseplants. She is pictured here planting some trees in June at Trust for Nature’s Snape Reserve to see how we do it up here in the Wimmera.
Alicia is keen to learn as much as she can about her new patch and open to discussing opportunities to collaborate on Landcare projects. Please feel free to reach out!
Alicia’s position is hosted at the Wimmera CMA in Horsham and funded by the Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program (VLFP). The Victorian Government recently announced a one-year extension to the VLFP. Across the state, 80 Landcare Facilitators and 10 Regional Landcare Coordinators now have their roles funded until 30 June 2025.
New Yarrilinks Landcare Facilitator Alicia Merriam plants a tree at Snape Reserve.
Contact Alicia:
m: 0455 166 445